How to use WaitForUpdate method of main Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using main.WaitForUpdate


Source:archive.go Github


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1package main2import (3 "archive/zip"4 "bufio"5 "errors"6 "fmt"7 "io"8 "io/ioutil"9 "log"10 "net/http"11 "os"12 "os/exec"13 "path/filepath"14 "runtime"15)16const (17 TldrRemoteUrl = ""18 TldrRemotePath = "raw/master/assets/"19 DataRemoteUrl = ""20 DataRemotePath = "raw/assets/"21 GithubStatusUrl = ""22)23var osMap = map[string]string{24 "linux": "linux",25 "darwin": "osx",26 "windows": "windows",27}28type TldrPage struct {29 name string30 content string31}32type Archive[T TldrPage | Dataset] struct {33 name string34 remoteUrl string35 remotePath string36 remoteRef string37 statusUrl string38 path string39 zipPath string40 revPath string41 lang string42 updating chan bool43}44func newTldrArchive(path string) *Archive[TldrPage] {45 a := &Archive[TldrPage]{46 name: "tldr",47 remoteUrl: TldrRemoteUrl,48 remotePath: TldrRemotePath,49 remoteRef: "HEAD",50 statusUrl: GithubStatusUrl,51 path: path,52 zipPath: filepath.Join(path, ""),53 revPath: filepath.Join(path, ""),54 lang: "en",55 updating: make(chan bool, 1),56 }57 a.init()58 return a59}60func newDataArchive(path string) *Archive[Dataset] {61 a := &Archive[Dataset]{62 name: "data",63 remoteUrl: DataRemoteUrl,64 remotePath: DataRemotePath,65 remoteRef: "refs/heads/assets",66 statusUrl: GithubStatusUrl,67 path: path,68 zipPath: filepath.Join(path, ""),69 revPath: filepath.Join(path, ""),70 lang: "en",71 updating: make(chan bool, 1),72 }73 a.init()74 return a75}76func (a *Archive[T]) init() {77 a.updating <- true78 go func() {79 ok, rev, rrev := a.checkUpdate()80 if ok {81 if ok, err := a.update(); err != nil {82 if !ok {83 log.Fatal(err)84 }85 logger.Log("[error] %s: %v",, err)86 } else {87 debugLogger.Log("[archive] %s: %s -> %s",, rev, rrev)88 }89 }90 close(a.updating)91 }()92}93func (a *Archive[T]) waitForUpdate() {94 _, ok := <-a.updating95 if !ok {96 return97 }98 <-a.updating99}100func (a *Archive[T]) getRemoteRev() (string, bool) {101 cmd := exec.Command("git", "ls-remote", a.remoteUrl)102 stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()103 if err != nil {104 log.Fatal(err)105 }106 if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {107 log.Fatal(err)108 }109 var rev string110 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)111 for scanner.Scan() {112 line := scanner.Text()113 if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(line, "%s "+a.remoteRef, &rev); err == nil {114 break115 }116 }117 if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {118 log.Fatal(err)119 }120 if rev == "" {121 debugLogger.Log("[archive] %s: failed to get revision", return rev, false123 }124 debugLogger.Log("[archive] %s: remote %s",, rev)125 return rev, true126}127func (a *Archive[T]) getRev() (string, error) {128 buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(a.revPath)129 if err != nil {130 return "", err131 }132 return string(buf), nil133}134func (a *Archive[T]) checkStatus() bool {135 _, err := http.Get(a.statusUrl)136 return err == nil137}138func (a *Archive[T]) checkUpdate() (bool, string, string) {139 if !a.checkStatus() {140 logger.Log("[error] failed to get archive status; check your internet connection")141 return false, "", ""142 }143 debugLogger.Log("[archive] checking for updates...")144 rrev, ok := a.getRemoteRev()145 if !ok {146 return true, "n/a", "unknown"147 }148 rev, err := a.getRev()149 if err != nil {150 return true, "unknown", rrev151 }152 if rev != rrev {153 return true, rev, rrev154 }155 debugLogger.Log("[archive] %s: up-to-date", return false, "", ""157}158func (a *Archive[T]) update() (bool, error) {159 debugLogger.Log("[archive] updating %s", a.zipPath)160 res, err := http.Get(a.remoteUrl + a.remotePath)161 if err != nil {162 return false, err163 }164 defer res.Body.Close()165 if res.StatusCode != 200 {166 msg := fmt.Sprintf("bad status code: %d", res.StatusCode)167 return false, errors.New(msg)168 }169 if err := os.MkdirAll(a.path, 0700); err != nil {170 log.Fatal(err)171 }172 file, err := os.Create(a.zipPath)173 if err != nil {174 return false, err175 }176 defer file.Close()177 _, err = io.Copy(file, res.Body)178 if err != nil {179 return false, err180 }181 rev, ok := a.getRemoteRev()182 if !ok {183 return true, errors.New("failed to get remote revision")184 }185 err = ioutil.WriteFile(186 a.revPath,187 []byte(rev),188 0600,189 )190 if err != nil {191 return true, err192 }193 return true, nil194}195func (a *Archive[T]) getPage(name string) (*TldrPage, error) {196 a.waitForUpdate()197 archive, err := zip.OpenReader(a.zipPath)198 if err != nil {199 log.Fatal(err)200 }201 defer archive.Close()202 var pages string203 if a.lang == "en" {204 pages = "pages"205 } else {206 pages = "pages." + a.lang207 }208 osName := osMap[runtime.GOOS]209 for i, dir := range []string{osName, "common"} {210 path := filepath.Join(pages, dir, name+".md")211 file, err := archive.Open(path)212 if err != nil {213 if i == 0 {214 continue215 }216 return nil, err217 }218 defer file.Close()219 buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)220 if err != nil {221 log.Fatal(err)222 }223 return &TldrPage{name, string(buf)}, nil224 }225 return nil, nil226}227func (a *Archive[T]) readData() ([]Command, map[string]Filter) {228 a.waitForUpdate()229 archive, err := zip.OpenReader(a.zipPath)230 if err != nil {231 log.Fatal(err)232 }233 defer archive.Close()234 cmds := make([]Command, 0)235 fs := make(map[string]Filter)236 fsFile := filepath.Join("data", filtersFile)237 for _, file := range archive.File {238 f, err := file.Open()239 if err != nil {240 log.Fatal(err)241 }242 defer f.Close()243 buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)244 if err != nil {245 log.Fatal(err)246 }247 if file.Name == fsFile {248 fs, err = readFiltersBuf(buf, fs)249 if err != nil {250 log.Fatal(err)251 }252 } else {253 cmds, err = readCommandsBuf(buf, cmds)254 if err != nil {255 log.Fatal(err)256 }257 }258 }259 return cmds, fs260}...

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Source:forever-runner.go Github


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1package forever2import (3 "fmt"4 "os"5 "os/signal"6 "syscall"7 "time"8 ""9 ""10)11var mainLogger logger.MainLogger12// Forever defines the interface to run the runner for forever13type Forever interface {14 Start() error15 Shutdown()16}17// Client defines the stucture of the client18type Client struct {19 runnerClient runner.Runner20 running bool21 currentVersion string22}23// NewRunner creates a new instance of the forever runner24func NewRunner(serviceConfig *runner.Config, currentVersion string) Forever {25 runnerClient := runner.New(serviceConfig)26 return &Client{27 runnerClient: runnerClient,28 running: false,29 currentVersion: currentVersion,30 }31}32// Start runs the connector forever33func (client *Client) Start() error {34 if mainLogger == nil {35 mainLogger = logger.GetMainLogger()36 }37 pid := os.Getpid()38 err := writePID(pid)39 if err != nil {40 mainLogger.Error("forever", "Error locking", err)41 return err42 }43 mainLogger.Info("forever", fmt.Sprintf("locking pid %v", pid))44 client.waitForProcessChange()45 client.waitForSigterm()46 client.waitForUpdate()47 client.running = true48 for {49 if !client.running {50 return nil51 }52 err = client.runnerClient.Start()53 if err != nil {54 mainLogger.Error("forever", "Error running connector (will retry soon)", err)55 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)56 continue57 }58 mainLogger.Info("forever", "running...")59 mainLogger.Info("forever", fmt.Sprintf("unlocking pid %v", pid))60 unlockPID()61 for {62 if !client.running {63 mainLogger.Info("forever", "forever is over, shutting down")64 return nil65 }66 time.Sleep(time.Second)67 continue68 }69 }70}71// Shutdown will give tell the connector runner it is time to shutdown72func (client *Client) Shutdown() {73 mainLogger.Info("forever", "forever is going to Shutdown")74 client.running = false75}76func (client *Client) waitForSigterm() {77 sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)78 signal.Notify(sigChan, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)79 go func() {80 for range sigChan {81 mainLogger.Info("forever", "Interrupt received, waiting to exit")82 client.Shutdown()83 }84 }()85}86func (client *Client) waitForUpdate() {87 go func() {88 firstTime := true89 for {90 if !firstTime {91 time.Sleep(time.Minute)92 // startNew()93 // return94 }95 firstTime = false96 latestVersion, err := resolveLatestVersion()97 if err != nil {98 mainLogger.Error("forever", "Cannot get latest version", err)99 continue100 }101 if !shouldUpdate(client.currentVersion, latestVersion) {102 continue103 }104 mainLogger.Info("forever", fmt.Sprintf("there is a new ignition version %s", latestVersion))105 err = doUpdate(latestVersion)106 if err != nil {107 mainLogger.Error("forever", "Error updating myself", err)108 continue109 }110 err = startNew()111 if err != nil {112 mainLogger.Error("forever", "start new error", err)113 continue114 }115 mainLogger.Info("forever", "I am updated and started new process")116 return117 }118 }()119}120func (client *Client) waitForProcessChange() {121 go func() {122 for {123 time.Sleep(time.Second)124 pid, err := getPID()125 if err != nil {126 mainLogger.Error("forever", "get pid error", err)127 continue128 }129 if pid == 0 {130 mainLogger.Info("forever", "pid is 0")131 }132 if pid == os.Getpid() {133 continue134 }135 mainLogger.Info("forever", fmt.Sprintf("process changed %v != %v", pid, os.Getpid()))136 client.Shutdown()137 return138 }139 }()140}...

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Source:scanner.go Github


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...22 Height int23 Time string24 Info string25}26// WaitForUpdate will listen to the scanner until a line matches upgradeRegexp.27// It returns (info, nil) on a matching line28// It returns (nil, err) if the input stream errored29// It returns (nil, nil) if the input closed without ever matching the regexp30func WaitForUpdate(scanner *bufio.Scanner) (*UpgradeInfo, error) {31 for scanner.Scan() {32 line := scanner.Text()33 if upgradeRegex.MatchString(line) {34 subs := upgradeRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line)35 info := UpgradeInfo{36 Name: subs[1],37 Info: subs[7],38 }39 var err error40 if subs[3] != "" {41 // match height42 info.Height, err = strconv.Atoi(subs[4])43 if err != nil {44 return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "parse number from regexp")...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())4 defer cancel()5 if len(os.Args) != 4 {6 log.Fatal("Usage: go run 2.go <host> <user> <password>")7 }8 url, err := soap.ParseURL(os.Args[1])9 if err != nil {10 log.Fatal(err)11 }12 url.User = url.UserPassword(os.Args[2], os.Args[3])13 c, err := govmomi.NewClient(ctx, url, true)14 if err != nil {15 log.Fatal(err)16 }17 finder := find.NewFinder(c.Client, true)18 dc, err := finder.DefaultDatacenter(ctx)19 if err != nil {20 log.Fatal(err)21 }22 finder.SetDatacenter(dc)23 vms, err := finder.VirtualMachineList(ctx, "*")24 if err != nil {25 log.Fatal(err)26 }27 if len(vms) == 0 {28 log.Fatal("No VM found")29 }30 err = vms[0].Properties(ctx, vms[0].Reference(), []string{"name", "runtime.powerState"}, &mvm)31 if err != nil {32 log.Fatal(err)33 }34 fmt.Printf("Name %s35 fmt.Printf("PowerState %s36 if mvm.Runtime.PowerState != types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOn {37 task, err := vms[0].PowerOn(ctx)38 if err != nil {39 log.Fatal(err)40 }41 err = task.Wait(ctx)42 if err != nil {43 log.Fatal(err)44 }45 }46 err = c.WaitForUpdatesEx(ctx, strconv.Itoa(int(mvm.Runtime.MaxCpuUsage)), []types.ObjectUpdate{{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())4 defer cancel()5 ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)6 defer cancel()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ctx := context.Background()4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 c, err := govmomi.NewClient(ctx, u, true)8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatal(err)10 }11 defer c.Logout(ctx)12 f := find.NewFinder(c.Client, true)13 dc, err := f.DefaultDatacenter(ctx)14 if err != nil {15 log.Fatal(err)16 }17 f.SetDatacenter(dc)18 vms, err := f.VirtualMachineList(ctx, "*")19 if err != nil {20 log.Fatal(err)21 }22 m := event.NewManager(c.Client)23 filterSpec := types.EventFilterSpec{24 Entity: &types.EventFilterSpecByEntity{25 Entity: vms[0].Reference(),26 },27 }28 collector, err := m.CreateCollectorForEvents(ctx, filterSpec)29 if err != nil {30 log.Fatal(err)31 }32 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)33 defer cancel()34 for {35 events, err := collector.ReadNextEvents(ctx, 10)36 if err != nil {37 log.Fatal(err)38 }39 for _, event := range events {40 fmt.Println(event)41 }42 }43}44import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("main started")4 WaitForUpdate()5 fmt.Println("main ended")6}7import (8func WaitForUpdate() {9 fmt.Println("WaitForUpdate started")10 time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)11 fmt.Println("WaitForUpdate ended")12}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 c := make(chan int)4 go func() {5 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {6 }7 }()8 for {9 select {10 fmt.Println("Received value:", v)11 case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):12 fmt.Println("Timeout")13 }14 }15}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Main starts")4 ch := make(chan int)5 obj := NewWaitForUpdate()6 obj.WaitForUpdate(ch)7 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)8 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)9 fmt.Println("Main ends")10}

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