How to use unregisterContext method of main Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using main.unregisterContext


Source:util_test.go Github


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...114 for len(c.emailSink) != 0 {115 c.t.Errorf("ERROR: leftover email: %v", (<-c.emailSink).Body)116 }117 }118 unregisterContext(c)119 c.inst.Close()120}121func (c *Ctx) advanceTime(d time.Duration) {122 c.mockedTime = c.mockedTime.Add(d)123}124// GET sends admin-authorized HTTP GET request to the app.125func (c *Ctx) GET(url string) error {126 _, err := c.httpRequest("GET", url, "", AccessAdmin)127 return err128}129// AuthGET sends HTTP GET request to the app with the specified authorization.130func (c *Ctx) AuthGET(access AccessLevel, url string) ([]byte, error) {131 return c.httpRequest("GET", url, "", access)132}133// POST sends admin-authorized HTTP POST request to the app.134func (c *Ctx) POST(url, body string) error {135 _, err := c.httpRequest("POST", url, body, AccessAdmin)136 return err137}138func (c *Ctx) httpRequest(method, url, body string, access AccessLevel) ([]byte, error) {139 c.t.Logf("%v: %v", method, url)140 r, err := c.inst.NewRequest(method, url, strings.NewReader(body))141 if err != nil {142 c.t.Fatal(err)143 }144 registerContext(r, c)145 if access == AccessAdmin || access == AccessUser {146 user := &user.User{147 Email: "",148 AuthDomain: "",149 }150 if access == AccessAdmin {151 user.Admin = true152 }153 aetest.Login(user, r)154 }155 w := httptest.NewRecorder()156 http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP(w, r)157 c.t.Logf("REPLY: %v", w.Code)158 if w.Code != http.StatusOK {159 return nil, HttpError{w.Code, w.Body.String()}160 }161 return w.Body.Bytes(), nil162}163type HttpError struct {164 Code int165 Body string166}167func (err HttpError) Error() string {168 return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", err.Code, err.Body)169}170func (c *Ctx) loadBug(extID string) (*Bug, *Crash, *Build) {171 bug, _, err := findBugByReportingID(c.ctx, extID)172 if err != nil {173 c.t.Fatalf("failed to load bug: %v", err)174 }175 crash, _, err := findCrashForBug(c.ctx, bug)176 if err != nil {177 c.t.Fatalf("failed to load crash: %v", err)178 }179 build, err := loadBuild(c.ctx, bug.Namespace, crash.BuildID)180 if err != nil {181 c.t.Fatalf("failed to load build: %v", err)182 }183 return bug, crash, build184}185func (c *Ctx) loadJob(extID string) (*Job, *Build) {186 jobKey, err := jobID2Key(c.ctx, extID)187 if err != nil {188 c.t.Fatalf("failed to create job key: %v", err)189 }190 job := new(Job)191 if err := datastore.Get(c.ctx, jobKey, job); err != nil {192 c.t.Fatalf("failed to get job %v: %v", extID, err)193 }194 build, err := loadBuild(c.ctx, job.Namespace, job.BuildID)195 if err != nil {196 c.t.Fatalf("failed to load build: %v", err)197 }198 return job, build199}200func (c *Ctx) checkURLContents(url string, want []byte) {201 got, err := c.AuthGET(AccessAdmin, url)202 if err != nil {203 c.t.Fatalf("\n%v: %v request failed: %v", caller(0), url, err)204 }205 if !bytes.Equal(got, want) {206 c.t.Fatalf("\n%v: url %v: got:\n%s\nwant:\n%s\n", caller(0), url, got, want)207 }208}209type apiClient struct {210 *Ctx211 *dashapi.Dashboard212}213func (c *Ctx) makeClient(client, key string, failOnErrors bool) *apiClient {214 doer := func(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {215 registerContext(r, c)216 w := httptest.NewRecorder()217 http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP(w, r)218 // Later versions of Go have a nice w.Result method,219 // but we stuck on 1.6 on appengine.220 if w.Body == nil {221 w.Body = new(bytes.Buffer)222 }223 res := &http.Response{224 StatusCode: w.Code,225 Status: http.StatusText(w.Code),226 Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(w.Body.Bytes())),227 }228 return res, nil229 }230 logger := func(msg string, args ...interface{}) {231 c.t.Logf("%v: "+msg, append([]interface{}{caller(3)}, args...)...)232 }233 errorHandler := func(err error) {234 if failOnErrors {235 c.t.Fatalf("\n%v: %v", caller(2), err)236 }237 }238 return &apiClient{239 Ctx: c,240 Dashboard: dashapi.NewCustom(client, "", key, c.inst.NewRequest, doer, logger, errorHandler),241 }242}243func (client *apiClient) pollBugs(expect int) []*dashapi.BugReport {244 resp, _ := client.ReportingPollBugs("test")245 if len(resp.Reports) != expect {246 client.t.Fatalf("\n%v: want %v reports, got %v", caller(0), expect, len(resp.Reports))247 }248 for _, rep := range resp.Reports {249 reproLevel := dashapi.ReproLevelNone250 if len(rep.ReproC) != 0 {251 reproLevel = dashapi.ReproLevelC252 } else if len(rep.ReproSyz) != 0 {253 reproLevel = dashapi.ReproLevelSyz254 }255 reply, _ := client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{256 ID: rep.ID,257 Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,258 ReproLevel: reproLevel,259 CrashID: rep.CrashID,260 })261 client.expectEQ(reply.Error, false)262 client.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)263 }264 return resp.Reports265}266func (client *apiClient) pollBug() *dashapi.BugReport {267 return client.pollBugs(1)[0]268}269func (client *apiClient) updateBug(extID string, status dashapi.BugStatus, dup string) {270 reply, _ := client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{271 ID: extID,272 Status: status,273 DupOf: dup,274 })275 client.expectTrue(reply.OK)276}277type (278 EmailOptMessageID int279 EmailOptFrom string280 EmailOptCC []string281)282func (c *Ctx) incomingEmail(to, body string, opts ...interface{}) {283 id := 0284 from := ""285 cc := []string{"", ""}286 for _, o := range opts {287 switch opt := o.(type) {288 case EmailOptMessageID:289 id = int(opt)290 case EmailOptFrom:291 from = string(opt)292 case EmailOptCC:293 cc = []string(opt)294 }295 }296 email := fmt.Sprintf(`Sender: %v297Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 14:59:00 -0700298Message-ID: <%v>299Subject: crash1300From: %v301Cc: %v302To: %v303Content-Type: text/plain304%v305`, from, id, from, strings.Join(cc, ","), to, body)306 c.expectOK(c.POST("/_ah/mail/", email))307}308func initMocks() {309 // Mock time as some functionality relies on real time.310 timeNow = func(c context.Context) time.Time {311 return getRequestContext(c).mockedTime312 }313 sendEmail = func(c context.Context, msg *aemail.Message) error {314 getRequestContext(c).emailSink <- msg315 return nil316 }317}318// Machinery to associate mocked time with requests.319type RequestMapping struct {320 c context.Context321 ctx *Ctx322}323var (324 requestMu sync.Mutex325 requestContexts []RequestMapping326)327func registerContext(r *http.Request, c *Ctx) {328 requestMu.Lock()329 defer requestMu.Unlock()330 requestContexts = append(requestContexts, RequestMapping{appengine.NewContext(r), c})331}332func getRequestContext(c context.Context) *Ctx {333 requestMu.Lock()334 defer requestMu.Unlock()335 for _, m := range requestContexts {336 if reflect.DeepEqual(c, m.c) {337 return m.ctx338 }339 }340 panic(fmt.Sprintf("no context for: %#v", c))341}342func unregisterContext(c *Ctx) {343 requestMu.Lock()344 defer requestMu.Unlock()345 n := 0346 for _, m := range requestContexts {347 if m.ctx == c {348 continue349 }350 requestContexts[n] = m351 n++352 }353 requestContexts = requestContexts[:n]354}...

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1import (2func main() {3 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())4 go func() {5 for {6 select {7 case <-ctx.Done():8 fmt.Println("Done")9 fmt.Println("working")10 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)11 }12 }13 }()14 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)15 cancel()16 fmt.Println("main terminated")17}18import (19func main() {20 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)21 defer cancel()22 go func() {23 for {24 select {25 case <-ctx.Done():26 fmt.Println("Done")27 fmt.Println("working")28 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)29 }30 }31 }()32 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)33 fmt.Println("main terminated")34}35import (36func main() {37 d := time.Now().Add(5 * time.Second)

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1import (2func main() {3 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())4 go func() {5 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)6 cancel()7 }()8 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key", "value")9 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key1", "value1")10 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key2", "value2")11 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key3", "value3")12 go func() {13 time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)14 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key4", "value4")15 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key5", "value5")16 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key6", "value6")17 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key7", "value7")18 }()19 go func() {20 time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)21 fmt.Println(ctx.Value("key4"))22 fmt.Println(ctx.Value("key5"))23 fmt.Println(ctx.Value("key6"))24 fmt.Println(ctx.Value("key7"))25 }()26 <-ctx.Done()27 fmt.Println("main() finished")28}29main() finished

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())4 go func() {5 time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)6 cancel()7 }()8 <-ctx.Done()9 fmt.Println("main: context cancelled")10}11import (12func main() {13 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)14 go func() {15 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)16 cancel()17 }()18 <-ctx.Done()19 fmt.Println("main: context cancelled")20}21import (22func main() {23 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)24 defer cancel()25 go func() {26 time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)27 cancel()28 }()29 <-ctx.Done()30 fmt.Println("main: context cancelled")31}32import (33func main() {34 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)35 defer cancel()36 go func() {37 time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)38 cancel()39 }()40 <-ctx.Done()41 fmt.Println("main: context cancelled")42}43import (44func main() {45 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)46 defer cancel()47 go func() {48 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)49 cancel()50 }()51 <-ctx.Done()52 fmt.Println("main: context cancelled")53}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())4 go func() {5 time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)6 cancel()7 }()8 fmt.Println("main: Wait for 1 seconds")9 <-ctx.Done()10 fmt.Println("main: Wait for 3 seconds")11 time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)12 fmt.Println("main: Wait for 2 seconds")13 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)14 fmt.Println("main: Wait for 1 seconds")15 time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)16}17Context is a type which is used to control the execution of a program. You can use it to cancel the execution of a program or to pass some data from one goroutine to another one. You can also use it to create a deadline for execution of a program. Context is a very important concept

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main(){2 unregisterContext()3}4func main(){5 registerContext()6}7func main(){8 unregisterContext()9}10func main(){11 registerContext()12}13func main(){14 unregisterContext()15}16func main(){17 registerContext()18}19func main(){20 unregisterContext()21}22func main(){23 registerContext()24}25func main(){26 unregisterContext()27}28func main(){29 registerContext()30}31func main(){32 unregisterContext()33}34func main(){35 registerContext()36}37func main(){38 unregisterContext()39}40func main(){41 registerContext()42}43func main(){

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3ctx := context.Background()4ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)5cancel()6err := ctx.UnregisterContext()7if err != nil {8fmt.Println(err)9}10}11import (12func main() {13 ctx := context.Background()14 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)15 cancel()16 err := ctx.UnregisterContext()17 if err != nil {18 fmt.Println(err)19 }20}21Go | context.Background()22Go | context.TODO()23Go | context.WithCancel()24Go | context.WithDeadline()25Go | context.WithTimeout()26Go | context.WithValue()27Go | context.WithCancel() function28Go | context.WithDeadline() function29Go | context.WithTimeout() function30Go | context.WithValue() function31Go | context.Background() function32Go | context.CancelFunc() function33Go | context.Context() function34Go | context.Err() function35Go | context.Value() function36Go | context.WithValue() function

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Using AI Code Generation


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1GoLang | context.WithValue()2GoLang | context.WithCancel()3GoLang | context.WithTimeout()4GoLang | context.WithDeadline()5GoLang | context.Background()6GoLang | context.TODO()7GoLang | context.WithValue() Example8GoLang | context.WithCancel() Example9GoLang | context.WithTimeout() Example10GoLang | context.WithDeadline() Example11GoLang | context.Background() Example12GoLang | context.TODO() Example

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