Best Syzkaller code snippet using main.saveLog
...20 ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(n))21 sum := 022 for range ticker.C {23 sum++24 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("æ§è¡æ¬¡æ°ï¼%v", sum))25 data := getList()26 batchShell(data)27 }28}29func batchShell(d []string) {30 // æ¹éæ§è¡æ·»å å½ä»¤31 for _, cid := range d {32 //execCommand(string(cid))33 shell := fmt.Sprintf("crust tools ipfs pin add %v", cid)34 res := execCommand(shell)35 status := strings.Contains(res, "recursively")36 if status {37 // å¦ææåå°±ä¸æ¥38 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("æ·»å æåï¼CIDï¼%v", cid))39 innerIp := execCommand("/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet|grep -vE '|inet6|172'|awk '{print $2}'|tr -d \"addr:\" | uniq")40 syncCid(cid, innerIp)41 }42 }43}44func saveLog(s string) {45 // è®°å½logæ¥å¿46 tm := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")47 f, err := os.OpenFile("log", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0644)48 defer func() {49 if err = f.Close(); err != nil {50 return51 }52 }()53 if err != nil {54 return55 }56 str := tm + "\t" + s + "\n"57 _, err = f.WriteString(str)58 if err != nil {59 return60 }61}62func execCommand(c string) string {63 // æ§è¡å½ä»¤å¹¶è¿åç»æ64 cmd := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", c)65 stdout, _ := cmd.StdoutPipe()66 saveLog("å¼å§æ§è¡å½ä»¤ï¼" + c)67 if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {68 msg := "å¼å§æ§è¡å¤±è´¥ï¼" + err.Error()69 fmt.Println(msg)70 saveLog(msg)71 return ""72 }73 out, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(stdout)74 defer func() {75 if err := stdout.Close(); err != nil {76 return77 }78 }()79 if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {80 msg := "æ§è¡çå¾
失败ï¼" + err.Error()81 fmt.Println(msg)82 saveLog(msg)83 return ""84 }85 sOut := strings.TrimSuffix(string(out), "\n")86 saveLog("æ§è¡ç»æï¼" + sOut)87 return sOut88}89type FileList struct {90 Success bool `json:"success"`91 Code string `json:"code"`92 Message interface{} `json:"message"`93 Data []string `json:"data"`94}95func getList() []string {96 // è·åå表97 client := &http.Client{98 Timeout: time.Second * 3,99 }100 url := ""101 req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)102 resp, err := client.Do(req)103 if err != nil {104 msg := "è·åå表ï¼è¯·æ±å¤±è´¥"105 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))106 saveLog(msg)107 fmt.Println(msg)108 return nil109 }110 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("è·åå表ï¼è¯·æ±æå"))111 fmt.Println("è·åå表ï¼è¯·æ±æå")112 defer func() {113 if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {114 return115 }116 }()117 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)118 if err != nil {119 msg := "è·åå表ï¼è§£æååºå¤±è´¥"120 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))121 saveLog(msg)122 fmt.Println(msg)123 return nil124 }125 var lst FileList126 err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(string(body)), &lst)127 if err != nil {128 msg := "è·åå表ï¼è§£æåæ°å¤±è´¥"129 fmt.Println(msg)130 saveLog(msg)131 return nil132 }133 if lst.Success == true {134 msg := "è·åå表ï¼è§£æåæ°æå"135 saveLog(msg)136 fmt.Println(msg)137 }138 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("%v", lst.Data))139 return lst.Data140}141func syncCid(c string, ip string) {142 // ä¸æ¥CID143 client := &http.Client{144 Timeout: time.Second * 3,145 }146 fmt.Println(ip)147 url := fmt.Sprintf("", c, ip)148 req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)149 if err != nil {150 msg := "ä¸æ¥CIDï¼reqæ建失败"151 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))152 saveLog(msg)153 fmt.Println(msg)154 return155 }156 resp, err := client.Do(req)157 if err != nil {158 msg := "ä¸æ¥CIDï¼è¯·æ±å¤±è´¥"159 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))160 saveLog(msg)161 fmt.Println(msg)162 return163 }164 body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)165 saveLog("ä¸æ¥æå:" + string(body))166 fmt.Println(string(body))167 defer func() {168 if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {169 return170 }171 }()172}...
...17func init() {18 if _, err := os.Stat(workPath); err != nil {19 err := os.MkdirAll(workPath, 0644)20 if err != nil {21 saveLog("ç®å½å建é误ï¼" + err.Error())22 os.Exit(1)23 }24 }25}26func main() {27 var msg string28 if len(os.Args) != 2 {29 msg = "åæ°é误ï¼è¯·éæ°è¾å
¥"30 fmt.Println(msg)31 return32 }33 switch os.Args[1] {34 case "start":35 pid := getPid()36 if pid != "" && pid != "0" {37 return38 }39 cmd := Daemon()40 if cmd == nil {41 log.Println("æå¡å¯å¨å¤±è´¥ï¼")42 return43 }44 case "status":45 pid, _ := strconv.Atoi(getPid())46 proc, err := os.FindProcess(pid)47 if err != nil || pid == 0 {48 fmt.Println("procDaemon æªå¯å¨")49 return50 }51 if proc != nil {52 fmt.Println("procDaemon å·²å¯å¨")53 return54 }55 case "stop":56 msg = "procDaemon å·²éåºï¼"57 pid, _ := strconv.Atoi(getPid())58 proc, err := os.FindProcess(pid)59 if err != nil || pid == 0 {60 fmt.Println("procDaemon æªå¯å¨")61 return62 }63 err = proc.Kill()64 if err != nil {65 fmt.Println("procDaemon éåºå¤±è´¥")66 return67 }68 setPid("0")69 fmt.Println(msg)70 saveLog(msg)71 case "--daemon":72 // åå°çä¸å¡ä»£ç 73 wg.Add(1)74 ch1 := make(chan int, 1)75 go clock(2, ch1)76 for i := range ch1 {77 saveLog(fmt.Sprintf("æ§è¡æ¬¡æ°ï¼%v", i))78 }79 wg.Wait()80 }81}82func getPid() string {83 pidFile, err := os.OpenFile(PidPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDONLY, 0444)84 if err != nil {85 saveLog("è·åPIDåºç°é误ï¼" + err.Error())86 return ""87 }88 defer func() {89 if err = pidFile.Close(); err != nil {90 return91 }92 }()93 pid, err := ioutil.ReadAll(pidFile)94 if err != nil {95 saveLog("转æ¢PIDåºç°é误ï¼" + err.Error())96 return ""97 }98 return string(pid)99}100func setPid(s string) {101 pidFile, err := os.OpenFile(PidPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0444)102 if err != nil {103 saveLog("设置PIDåºç°é误ï¼" + err.Error())104 return105 }106 defer func() {107 if err = pidFile.Close(); err != nil {108 return109 }110 }()111 _, err = pidFile.WriteString(s)112 if err != nil {113 return114 }115}116func Daemon() *exec.Cmd {117 if os.Getppid() != 1 {118 var msg string119 filepath := os.Args[0]120 cmd := exec.Command(filepath, "--daemon")121 if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {122 msg = "æå¡å¯å¨å¤±è´¥ï¼" + err.Error()123 saveLog(msg)124 return nil125 }126 msg = fmt.Sprintf("æå¡pid=%d:å¼å§è¿è¡...", cmd.Process.Pid)127 saveLog(msg)128 pidStr := strconv.Itoa(cmd.Process.Pid)129 setPid(pidStr)130 fmt.Println("procDaemon å·²å¯å¨ï¼")131 os.Exit(0)132 return cmd133 }134 return nil135}136func clock(n int, c chan<- int) {137 // n:å®æ¶é´é138 defer wg.Done()139 ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(n))140 sum := 0141 for range ticker.C {142 sum++143 c <- sum144 }145}146func saveLog(s string) {147 // è®°å½logæ¥å¿148 tm := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")149 f, err := os.OpenFile(LogPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0644)150 defer func() {151 if err = f.Close(); err != nil {152 return153 }154 }()155 if err != nil {156 return157 }158 str := tm + "\t" + s + "\n"159 _, err = f.WriteString(str)160 if err != nil {...
...18 barkKey = "test"19 var wg sync.WaitGroup20 wg.Add(1)21 nyc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")22 saveLog(barkPush("æµè¯åé", barkKey, "æµè¯"))23 c := cron.New(cron.WithLocation(nyc))24 _, err := c.AddFunc("0/5 7-22 * * MON-FRI", getlubu)25 if err != nil {26 saveLog(err.Error())27 return28 }29 getlubu()30 c.Start()31 wg.Wait()32 saveLog("å·²ç»æè¿è¡")33}34func getlubu() {35 saveLog("å¼å§è·åçä»·\n")36 // Request the HTML page.37 res, err := http.Get("")38 if err != nil {39 log.Fatal(err)40 }41 defer func(Body io.ReadCloser) {42 err := Body.Close()43 if err != nil {44 log.Fatal(err)45 }46 }(res.Body)47 if res.StatusCode != 200 {48 log.Fatalf("status code error: %d %s", res.StatusCode, res.Status)49 }50 // Load the HTML document51 doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(res.Body)52 if err != nil {53 log.Fatal(err)54 }55 gong := "body > div.wrapper > div.BOC_main > div.publish > div:nth-child(3) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child("56 namegps := ") > td:nth-child(1)"57 salegps := ") > td:nth-child(2)"58 buygps := ") > td:nth-child(4)"59 timegps := ") > td:nth-child(8)"60 for i := 2; i < 30; i++ {61 name := gong + strconv.Itoa(i) + namegps62 nameText := doc.Find(name).Text()63 if nameText == "å¢å¸" {64 saleName := gong + strconv.Itoa(1) + ") > th:nth-child(2)"65 buyName := gong + strconv.Itoa(1) + ") > th:nth-child(4)"66 timeName := gong + strconv.Itoa(1) + ") > th:nth-child(8)"67 saleDom := gong + strconv.Itoa(i) + salegps68 buyDom := gong + strconv.Itoa(i) + buygps69 timeDom := gong + strconv.Itoa(i) + timegps70 saleNameText := doc.Find(saleName).Text()71 buyNameText := doc.Find(buyName).Text()72 timeNameText := doc.Find(timeName).Text()73 saleText := doc.Find(saleDom).Text()74 buyText := doc.Find(buyDom).Text()75 timeText := doc.Find(timeDom).Text()76 PriceBody := saleNameText + ": " + saleText + "\n" + buyNameText + ": " + buyText + "\n"77 body := PriceBody + timeNameText + ": " + timeText78 if lastPrice != PriceBody {79 saveLog(barkPush(body, barkKey, nameText))80 lastPrice = PriceBody81 }82 break83 }84 if i == 29 {85 result, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)86 saveLog(string(result))87 saveLog(barkPush("è²ä¼¼è¢«å°äº", barkKey, nameText))88 }89 }90 saveLog("ç»æè·åçä»·\n")91}92//计ç®ä¸¤ä¸ªæ¶é´ç¸å·®å¤å°ç§93func timeDiff(start, end time.Time) int {94 return int(end.Sub(start).Seconds())95}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 f, err := os.Create("log.txt")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 saveLog(f)8}9import (10func saveLog(f *os.File) {11 log.SetOutput(f)12 log.Println("This is a test log entry")13}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 main.saveLog("Hello")4}5import (6func main() {7 main.saveLog("Hello")8}9import (10func main() {11 main.saveLog("Hello")12}13import (14func main() {15 main.saveLog("Hello")16}17import (18func main() {19 main.saveLog("Hello")20}21import (22func main() {23 main.saveLog("Hello")24}25import (26func main() {27 main.saveLog("Hello")28}29import (30func main() {31 main.saveLog("Hello")32}33import (34func main() {35 main.saveLog("Hello")36}37import (38func main() {39 main.saveLog("Hello")40}41import (42func main() {43 main.saveLog("Hello")44}45import (46func main() {47 main.saveLog("Hello")48}49import (50func main() {51 main.saveLog("Hello")52}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 err = saveLog("Error")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7}8import (9func saveLog(logType string) error {10 f, err := os.OpenFile("log.txt", os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)11 if err != nil {12 }13 defer f.Close()14 if _, err := f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s15", logType)); err != nil {16 }17}18Your name to display (optional):19Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func saveLog() {3 log.Println("hello from saveLog")4}5import (6func saveLog() {7 log.Println("hello from saveLog")8}9import (10func saveLog() {11 log.Println("hello from saveLog")12}13import (14func saveLog() {15 log.Println("hello from saveLog")16}17import (18func saveLog() {19 log.Println("hello from saveLog")20}21import (22func saveLog() {23 log.Println("hello from saveLog")24}25import (26func saveLog() {27 log.Println("hello from saveLog")28}29import (30func saveLog() {31 log.Println("hello from saveLog")32}33import (34func saveLog() {35 log.Println("hello from saveLog")36}37import (38func saveLog() {39 log.Println("hello from saveLog")40}41import (42func saveLog() {43 log.Println("hello from saveLog")44}45import (46func saveLog() {47 log.Println("hello from saveLog")48}49import (50func saveLog() {51 log.Println("hello
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 var log = Log{"", "2.go"}4 log.saveLog()5}6import "fmt"7func main() {8 var log = Log{"", "3.go"}9 log.saveLog()10}11import "fmt"12func main() {13 var log = Log{"", "4.go"}14 log.saveLog()15}16import "fmt"17func main() {18 var log = Log{"", "5.go"}19 log.saveLog()20}21import "fmt"22func main() {23 var log = Log{"", "6.go"}24 log.saveLog()25}26import "fmt"27func main() {28 var log = Log{"", "7.go"}29 log.saveLog()30}31import "fmt"32func main() {33 var log = Log{"", "8.go"}34 log.saveLog()35}36import "fmt"37func main() {38 var log = Log{"", "9.go"}39 log.saveLog()40}41import "fmt"42func main() {43 var log = Log{"", "10.go"}44 log.saveLog()45}46import "fmt"47func main() {48 var log = Log{"", "11.go"}49 log.saveLog()50}51import "fmt"52func main() {53 var log = Log{"", "12.go"}54 log.saveLog()55}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 var log = NewLog()5 log.saveLog("test")6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")10 var log = NewLog()11 log.saveLog("test")12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")16 var log = NewLog()17 log.saveLog("test")18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")22 var log = NewLog()23 log.saveLog("test")24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")28 var log = NewLog()29 log.saveLog("test")30}31import (32func main() {33 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")34 var log = NewLog()35 log.saveLog("test")36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")40 var log = NewLog()41 log.saveLog("test")42}43import (44func main() {45 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")46 var log = NewLog()47 log.saveLog("test")48}49import (50func main() {51 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")52 var log = NewLog()53 log.saveLog("test")54}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 saveLog("Hello, playground")5}6func saveLog(logData string) {7 log.Println(logData)8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")32}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 main.saveLog("test")4}5func main() {6 http.HandleFunc("/", hello)7 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)8}9func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {10 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))11}12func main() {13 http.HandleFunc("/", hello)14 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)15}16var hello = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {17 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))18})19func main() {20 http.HandleFunc("/", hello)21 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)22}23func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {24 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))25}26var hello = http.HandlerFunc(hello)27func main() {28 http.HandleFunc("/", hello)29 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)30}31func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {32 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))33}34var hello = http.HandlerFunc(hello)
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello from 2.go")4 SaveLog1.SaveLog("This is a test log message")5}6import (7func main() {8 fmt.Println("Hello from 3.go")9 SaveLog1.SaveLog("This is a test log message")10}11import (12func main() {13 fmt.Println("Hello from 1.go")14 SaveLog1.SaveLog("This is a test log message")15}16import (17func main() {18 fmt.Println("Hello from 2.go")
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